Revamp Your Wellness Book 3

Revamp Your Wellness Book 3


ReVamp Your Wellness Book 3 introduces some self-care rituals from the time I lived in Japan. These wellness rituals will help to bring balance and calmness to your regime.

Barbara’s expertise and knowledge base in nutrition, naturopathy, mental health practices, business and personal development have led her to create a series of books, around ‘Revamp Your Wellness’. The nine-book series offers practical tips and transformational tactics that anyone can easily grasp and implement for long-lasting results.

ReVamp Your Wellness Book 3 introduces some self-care rituals from the time I lives in Japan. These wellness rituals will help to bring balance and calmness to your regime and I’ve thrown in some “body scrub” recipes for you to attempt too! Sticking with the Asian theme, I talk about the health benefits of matcha green tea with a few recipes to try with matcha to help especially if you’re suffering from a hangover. I have a few more hangover antidotes too.

I discuss the benefits of eating a good breakfast, the elements of healthy, friendly fats being introduced and looking at strategies to help wean you off of sugar.

The connection between inflammation and disease is that chronic internal inflammation is the precursor to the diseases of civilisation (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some mental health conditions), so it’s imperative to choose anti-inflammatory foods whenever possible and the Revamp Recipes are based on this principle where possible.

There are over 30 new recipes in book 3, adding those to book 1 and book 2, you’re now at over 100 recipes to inspire you to eat more variety!

I also introduce Good Posture poses and ideas to implement at your desk to help stop the slouch and alleviate some neck, shoulder and back pain.

You’ll continue to add to your daily healthy habit builder, meal plan and following the advice of previous books and future books in the series if you’ve had a sneaky peak!

In book 3, I also introduce the gratitude journal, which will follow throughout the rest of the series now as the science as how linked gratitude to so many health benefits such as improving physical health and psychological health. Enhancing empathy and reducing aggression. Grateful people sleep better and have increased self-esteem, plus many more benefits so it’s a keeper while you’re Revamping Your Wellness.

To encourage you to stay accountable, motivated and to give you some extra tips throughout the book, you can activate the QR codes which open a video of me guiding you.

Looking forward to joining you throughout the 9-book series and celebrating your healthy achievements.

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