Revamp Your Wellness Book 4

Revamp Your Wellness Book 4


ReVamp Your Wellness Book 4 introduces the wheel of wellness and the interconnectedness of 10 different areas of wellness that are crucial for a “whole-istic” and balanced healthy life.

Barbara’s expertise and knowledge base in nutrition, naturopathy, mental health practices, business and personal development have led her to create a series of books, around ‘Revamp Your Wellness’. The nine-book series offers practical tips and transformational tactics that anyone can easily grasp and implement for long-lasting results.

ReVamp Your Wellness Book 4 introduces the wheel of wellness and the interconnectedness of 10 different areas of wellness that are crucial for a “whole-istic” and balanced healthy life. The Revamp wheel of wellness relates to the idea that humans should be studied as a “whole” and not just the individual sums of their parts. The wheel relates to areas of life and how that inegrates with an individual. Practically speaking, it is a continuous process and daily devotion to obtain a whole-istic balance, which is EASILY explained for you.

The weekly meal planning, daily habit builders and gratitude journal continues to help you flow through book 4 and is peppered with healthy tips including exercises and tummy transformers and fitness tips. Over 30 new recipes and food alternative swaps.

I also introduce financial wellness and the wheel of wealth and how to have an abundance mindset. Financial wellness is critical for all people because it can help lower your stress levels. Stress related to money worries can affect every aspect of your life, so let’s balance this area in book 4.

To encourage you to stay accountable, motivated and to give you some extra tips throughout the book, you can activate the QR codes which open a video of me guiding you.

Looking forward to joining you throughout the 9-book series and celebrating your healthy achievements.

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