No Turkey NECK for me this Christmas!

No Turkey NECK for me this Christmas! 

The skin on your neck, like the skin on your face is very susceptible to the signs of aging. Two of the most common signs of aging are crepey skin and turkey neck. 

What Causes Crepey Skin & Turkey Neck? 

According to Dr Victoria Manning of River Aesthetics, there are three main factors that influence turkey neck: 

Skin elasticity 

Muscle tightness 

Fat distribution 

Let’s look at each of these factors in a bit more detail before we examine the best ways to get rid of turkey neck. 

1. Skin Elasticity 

As we age, our bodies lose their natural ability to repair and rejuvenate. This applies to our skin as well. And one of the first components that begin to suffer the ravages of time is collagen. Collagen is a protein found in skin's middle skin layer (the dermis) that provides structure and support for the tissue on top of it. 

Over time, collagen production begins to slow and the existing collagen is more susceptible to breakdown brought on by lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet, the sun’s damaging UV rays, and free radicals that build up in your skin. This breakdown of collagen causes your skin to lose the youthful elasticity it once had. 

During my consultation with Dr Victoria Manning, she identified that the elasticity of my crepey neck was due to lack of collagen.  

2. Muscle Tightness 

The muscles that support your neck, and the skin over top of it, can weaken with lack of use or just the passage of time. As these muscles weaken, they are less and less able to support the skin to which they are attached. This means that your skin won’t be pulled back into place as readily as it was before. Your muscles may not feel any different, but the visible results are saggy skin. 

3. Fat Distribution 

Some people are just naturally more disposed to carry extra fat under their chin and along their neck. This excess fat can cause your skin to stretch and result in the folds that resemble the turkey’s wattle. A healthy diet, exercise, and slowly losing weight can help decrease these fat deposits. 

Although I live a super healthy lifestyle, I must admit that I did ignore my neck when applying sun cream and day & night creams. I focused more on the wrinkles around my eyes instead and now I’m paying the price! 

As I’m certain you already know, making healthy choices in your day-to-day life has a huge impact on your well-being. This is true for your physical health in general, but it’s also true for your skin. The following healthy lifestyle habits can help you to keep your skin youthful.  


Eat a healthy diet free from artificial preservatives and additives. 

Aim for food rich in vitamin C as it can help towards the production of collagen naturally in the skin. Think oranges, lemons, pineapples in your meal planning. 


This is perhaps the most enjoyable healthy lifestyle habit. Everyone loves getting a good night’s sleep! Try to get at least six hours of sleep every night, but aim for seven to eight hours per night if possible. 

Sleeping refreshes your body and allows your skin to rejuvenate itself.  

Despite all my efforts, I have become increasingly conscious about my neck. 

I wanted a safe, natural treatment that would help to boost my own skin’s healing and collagen production so I turned to the experts in the field and contacted the award-winning River Aesthetics. 

River Aesthetics is led by female medical directors, Dr Victoria Manning and Dr Charlotte Woodward, two celebrated names in the world of aesthetics. Supported by a team of dedicated medical and cosmetic experts to help guide you on your path of rejuvenation, health and wellbeing, the clinic is passionate about providing patients with treatments that are proven to achieve natural-looking results, restore youthfulness and enhance overall wellbeing. 

Dr Victoria was incredibly with her knowledge and expertise and also understanding the treatment giving me the natural look I want.  

I’ve chose a course of treatment PROFHILO® SKIN REMODELLING 

Hailed as “a true breakthrough in anti-aging medicine”, Profhilo® is a revolutionary injectable that both tightens and hydrates the skin without the use of dermal fillers. It is an excellent option for the early prevention of lines, wrinkles and loss of volume. 

Whilst Profhilo® treatment is based on pure hyaluronic acid (HA) technology, it’s more of a “Skin Booster” than a filler. It hydrates the skin, as well as stimulating four different types of collagen and elastin by slowly releasing hyaluronic acid, the key to younger-looking and rejuvenated skin.  

I’ve had 1 of 3 treatments and I already notice a difference and I’m looking forward to the full effects. 

I’ll definitely be wearing my LOW-cut dresses and no turtle necks in sight this festive season hiding my turkey neck! 

 Thanks - Barbara xo

River Aesthetics can be contacted here!

Barbara Cox-Lovesy