Why did I choose Chiropractic Care?

I first visited Life Balance chiropractor on the recommendation from a friend.

I’m normally fit and very active individual but after moving house this year and lockdown spent hardworking at my home desk, my hip and low-back pain started to significantly effect on my life.

My chiropractor Dr Josh at Life Balance Chiropractic in Poole has provided me with the highest level of confidential care from the outset. Dr Josh had fully acquainted himself with my case prior to our first meeting with a substantial online questionnaire and this helped to establish a lasting bond of trust and confidence in his treatments. 

A particular feature of chiropractic treatment is that the whole person is considered. Treatments do not continue endlessly and changes and improvements in your health are always acknowledged and embraced. In short, as a patient, your needs are individually addressed. Additionally, Dr Josh or Dr Nick will provide you with small at-home regimes to enable you to apply immediate relief from any onset of symptoms from your injury/illness. These are excellent interventions that are tailored to your needs and keep you on a healthy track.

My relationship with Life Balance Chiropractic is one of absolute trust. If any issue arises then I know that I can contact or attend my clinic without fear of delay. The friendly team all know me and they know how my body works and take a huge interest in me as a clinic patient.  I couldn’t be better supported by any other medical practice anywhere.

This is currently week 6 of a weekly chiropractic adjustment and I am feeling more flexible, reduced pain and I have noticed greater strength and movement in my hip and lower back.

I have also taken their advice on posture while walking, exercising and at my desk. This wonderful 360 degree approach to wellness certainly fits into my ethos.

I have signed up for a 12 week course to ensure recovery and at the half-way mark, I’m super impressed with the results so far.

 Is Chiropractic for you?

 A few Benefits you might not have known about Chiropractic Adjustments:

  1. Improves joint mobility, function and health.

  2. Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.

  3. Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).

  4. Decreases the on-­going inflammatory process associated with the subluxation.

  5. Improves circulation taking stagnant blood out and bringing new blood in.

  6. Speeds up the recovery process.

  7. Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.

  8. Strengthens the immune system.

  9. Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).

  10. Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).

  11. Calms a hyperactive mind and energises a depressed mind.

  12. Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.

  13. Decreases the adverse effects of stress.

  14. Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).

  15. Improves Quality of Life by enhancing the enjoyment/fulfilment of a person’s Key Values

  16. Prevention ability for sickness, disease and pain.

  17. Improves overall health and wellness for infants and children.

  18. Improves cognitive ability (ability to THINK more clearly).

  19. Oh…and it DECREASES PAIN!

I’ll keep you posted at the end for a full results but in the meantime, watch for weekly update on my Instagram stories.

Please contact the Team at Life Balance Chiropractic to chat through your needs.

Barbara x

Barbara Cox-Lovesy