Fat Freezing - The Chilling Results

Fat Freezing – The chilling result!

I have been intrigued with the science behind CRYOLIPOLYSIS, easily put “fat freezing” for many years and I have seen the machinery get more precise, better training for technicians available and oodles of testimonials and results to read many research papers on.

So, I decided to try the treatment myself and see if it could work on a stubborn bit of belly fat that I gained since pregnancy and never lost.

Here’s some facts first:

1.     This technique is appropriate for helping to remove small amounts of extra fat that is resistant to other weight-loss attempts such as diet and exercise

2.     It is NOT a replacement for an easy fix due to living a poor lifestyle and should be a a motivator to kick-start a healthy regime for continued results

3.     It is a non-invasive, non-surgical medical procedure that helps to remove extra fat cells from beneath the skin

4.     The “paddles” are placed on your skin and suction the fat to touch the paddle where it is frozen to -4C for an hour

5.     Once the fat cell dies, your liver and lymph will help to remove it from your body

6.     This was FDA approved in 2010 and the technology has improved over the last 10 years and I used the latest model machinery with The Beauty Sculpting Room.

7.     Results will appear fully in 1-3 months, once the fat cells die and are removed

Fat cells hate the cold. More so than any other tissue in your body. In fact, they are so sensitive to extreme cold, that by exposing a fatty area to a cold temperature, the fat cell will freeze. This creates ice crystals in the fat cells, and ultimately destroys them. The body can then rid itself of these fat cells.

I was super impressed with my 1-off treatment with Stacey at The Beauty Sculpting Rooms and actually, I already see an improvement so I can’t wait for the full results in a few months.

If you’re a good candidate for it, “Fat Freezing” has some benefits over other fat-elimination procedures like liposuction (which I personally would NEVER do!). Fat cells frozen by the machine Scupt-Pro never return because the body eliminates them. There are no incisions because it’s a non-invasive procedure, and there’s no scarring after treatment. There’s also no required rest or recovery time. Results may begin to show in as little as a few weeks, with most people experiencing full results three months after the one-off treatment with Stacey.

If you’re interested in trying this procedure then contact Stacey as she currently has an offer on for £399.00 regularly £600 and if you mention my name Barbara Cox – you get this for just £300 – that is 50% discount!

Contact Stacey now on 07311790358




Barbara Cox-Lovesy